Travel columnist Anna Farren from Farrenwide plans out a perfect daytime drive for sunny Donegal days.
Hello and welcome to my weekly column on Donegal Woman – something I am SO thrilled to be a part of!
My name is Anna Farren. When I am not teaching Junior Infants, I love to explore and celebrate, far and wide, all things Irish – be that weekend spa breaks or travels on a shoestring when funds are running low (and let’s face it, on a teacher salary and with my ‘flare’ for managing finances… this is the case more often that not)!
Following a day out on a whim back in May of this year, I went along to the Blogger Conference in the Marker Hotel, Dublin, not expecting that day to be sitting now and typing my introduction as farrenwide.
With either my GoPro, camera or phone in tow, I capture my adventures and feature them on my social media platforms. Each week, I will aim to bring you snapshots of ideas for a daytime drive, weekend walks, coffee stops on route and all things travel and lifestyle as I experience it.
I hope you enjoy and would love for you to get in contact with ideas for my feature.
With introductions out of the way, I decided my first post would be on a place which has quickly become one of my favourites – Horn Head. Should you be in search of a daytime drive in Co. Donegal, I urge you to look no further than Horn Head.

Horn Head. Photo: Farrenwide
Following Wild Atlantic Way signs on a drive just beyond Dunfanaghy last April, I very suddenly found myself driving, heart in hand, along winding roads and steep declines in an effort to reach the much talked about Horn Head.
This drive, I discovered, is not for the faint-hearted. It brings you to a parking spot, on what could be described as the edge of the world, parked on a height you would not expect to reach on what feels like a relatively short spin to the top!
Having just discovered this beautiful spot in April of this year, I have since returned three times, once lucky enough to take in the breathtaking scenes provided by a stunning sunset overlooking the extensive cliffs along this Donegal peninsula.

Sunset at Horn Head. Photo: Farrenwide
With a viewpoint like this only a 50 minutes drive from Letterkenny, I for one count myself very lucky to be living in a county that boasts such wonder and awe in what it has to offer by way of scenery and natural beauty.
A 15-minute descent and drive and you will find yourself parked and ready to complete your day drive with a coffee from the Shack – boasting coffee with a view of the lovely Marble Hill beach.
Having indulged in a little coffee kick, should you wish, Marble Hill beach provides a short walk along what could be described as more solid ground than that of Horn Head!
So if you find yourself wondering where you should venture on your next daytime drive (in good weather conditions of course), don’t hesitate in putting Horn Head at the top of your list. With a thorough check that your brakes are in good working order, enjoy the hilly adventure that this course has to offer along Donegal’s Wild Atlantic Way.