Beauty columnist Kerry Harvey is going back to basics for January with a guide to refreshing your skincare routine for soft subtle glowing skin.
So the box of Celebrations is now literally a box of wrappers. You’ve sampled all the trendy cocktails, as it would surely have been a shame not to. But reality bites and all of a sudden you’re into 2017 with a bang and the early morning January blues are knocking on your door!
Time for routine and getting your inside and outside glow back, and guess what…It’s easier than you think! Over January, I’ll be concentrating on ‘the basics’ – a simple refresher for some of you, and maybe an all new routine for others!
Hydration is key!
From the inside out you need to rehydrate. Simply drink up to 8 glasses of water a day to replenish and hydrate your body from the inside out. This will not only detox your system but help flush out any nasties from your skin. Tip – Mix some cordial or fruit through water or opt for sparkling water if you’re not a plan old water fan!
Get on top of your cleansing routine!
♥ Double Cleanse – find a cleansing product you like whether it be a wash, cream or liquid based product. Double cleansing ensures all daily grim is truly removed. Micellar water is a cost effective and mild way to cleanse and for you facial wipe lovers, ditch them! They’re the cause of sensitive dehydrated skin due to the high amounts of alcohol they hold! In my book, they are the devil!
♥ Exfoliate – twice a week is sufficient, and this will help removed dead skin cells that prohibit moisturiser sinking in.

Clarins Double Serum. Approx €69.50
♥ Serum – use a serum to add vitamins and minerals in to your skin. At the moment, I’ve been using Clarins Double Serum for a while and will not stray as it leaves my skin velvety, feeling and smelling wonderful! It’s also currently the most bought serum in the world. Fabulous for ANY SKIN TYPE enriched by a unique formula of over 20 plant extras to lighten, brighten, tighten and give you an amazing radiance
♥ Moisturiser – again, depending on your skin type choose a moisturiser that suits you! Be sure that your day moisturiser has an SPF of at least 30+ and 50+ for brighter days! This not only helps minimise UVA/UVB damage and premature ageing but fine lines and age spots also! At night, to repair and restore your skin while you sleep, opt for a night cream!
♥ Oil – adding an oil to your routine is a must at this time of year. This also goes for oily skin types as you’re skin too can be dehydrated. The input of the correct oil will not only aid hydration but slow down the amount of oil your skin secrets, especially those of you that strip your skin clean of your natural oil which actually has a counteracting effect which encourages the over-production of oil thereafter – so again, stand clear of wipes and alcoholic based toners!
This is a brief overview and if you carry these steps out in this manner, you’ll have soft subtle glowing skin within a very short time indeed! Simply go to your nearest skincare specialist and find the products to best suit your skin type. If however, you’ve problematic skin, seeking professional skincare advice from a dermatologist or your doctor is advisable before investing in products that may not actual work for you. You can then use the skincare routine steps to guide you with the products they recommend – a happy new year brings a happy skincare routine.
Feel free to email me with your beauty queries on and stay tuned to for weekly blogs and vlog tutorials on all things beauty! K x