Blue Monday has arrived, but we have five things you can do to make it better.
The third Monday of the New Year is statistically the “most depressing day of the year” – people are lacking in vitamin D, finances may be low after Christmas and those New Year’s resolutions suddenly become hard work.
Just because people are supposed to be feeling blue today doesn’t mean you have to. Here’s the Donegal Woman guide to boosting your mood.
Monday motivation
That new fitness fix you’ve had for the last fortnight could be losing its appeal, but Monday is a great day to step back, check your progress and set new goals. Make a small challenge for yourself and you’ll feel like you’ve conquered something when it’s done. Go for an extra walk today or jump around to your favourite song. Feel free to congratulate yourself for making the effort.
Laugh it off
If there’s something that never fails to make you laugh, then go do it or relive it. Whether it’s a funny Youtube video or favourite film, just put it on. Pandas, puppies or cute kids are there to remind you that life doesn’t have to be too serious all the time. Sometimes you just need a little break:
Be mindful
Make some time for me-time. Treat yourself to a bath with that fancy Christmas set you haven’t opened yet, do some yoga or try adult colouring – it could be your new favourite thing. Donegal Woman’s mental health columnist Sarah Barr reminded us that self care isn’t selfish: click here for a guide to looking after you.
Celebrate the home county
Isn’t Donegal just great?! We are living in a very exciting time for Donegal as the world is really waking up to realise how amazing it is, (even though we knew it all along). Take advantage of the fact you’re living in one of the coolest places on the planet and you have the inside knowledge about all the best spots to visit in Ireland’s hidden gem of a county.
Plan a Donegal Day with travel columnist Anna Farren.
The desire to book a holiday is strong around this time of year. Consider a staycation in Donegal for a highly-sought after experience of amazing adventures, fantastic hotels and stunning beaches. Summer in Donegal could be an exciting thing to look forward to this year. With so many people now curious about the forgotten county, you never know who you might bump into.

Make today the first Happy Day of many
Could you be happy for 100 days in a row? Or at least take a few minutes every day to find something that makes you smile? Blue Monday is a great day to begin the 100 Happy Days project. It’s free, it’s fun and it’s a great way to document the best of your New Year.
100 Happy Days involves taking a photo of something that makes you happy – every day for 100 days. You can upload the photos on your social media profiles and mark it with the #100HappyDays hashtag or else email the photos away. Check out to begin your happiness journey.
What are you doing to beat the Monday blues? Let us know on
Blue Monday is just one day in the year, but if you’re struggling on a long-term basis then there are many ways to find help through organisations such as Donegal Mind Wellness, Pieta House, Aware and the Samaritans.