Two of our favourite things have been combined this year into the ultimate food creation - Gin & Tonic Easter Eggs.

Prestat London Gin and Tonic Truffles Easter Egg
Ginthusiasts will have even more motivation to stick to their goals this Lenten season as the promise of a gin and tonic Easter egg could be the light at the end of the tunnel.
The geniuses at Prestat have brought together two of our favourite things – gin and chocolate – and created the London Gin and Tonic Truffles Easter Egg. This chocolate cocktail concoction is going to be a big hit this year.
The eggshell is made from milk chocolate flavoured with lemon oil. The extra chocolates bring in the alcohol factor – with gin and lemon flavoured truffles. Careful: This mouth-watering description might send some gin lovers over the edge:
“Filled with truffles made with ganache flavoured with gin and Mediterranean lemon oil, encased in a creamy white chocolate with a magical fizz that tingles on your tongue.”
The eggs are available with John Lewis for €18 and they deliver to the Republic of Ireland. This could be the best reward going for anyone giving up chocolate or booze – or both!