Do you think of Wednesday's as the dreaded hump of the week? Apollo Training mentor Ronan Campbell has six steps for you to find motivation in the middle of the work week.

Sometimes we need more than a coffee boost to get through Wednesdays
It seems a lot of people find Wednesday the most difficult day of the week. I always thought it would be Monday but after talking to friends I was surprised to hear the majority said Wednesday. People seem to find it hard to get motivated and feel tired, perhaps as it’s in the middle of the week.
This common dislike for Wednesday has led to it being known as the “Hump Day”.
So in order to get over the hump here are six simple steps that can help:
Step One – The Groundwork starts on Tuesday
In order to have a good Wednesday it is important to end Tuesday well. Complete any remaining tasks and if possible get a head start on Wednesdays work. This might mean staying behind twenty minutes but you will benefit from the head start and reduced workload on Wednesday.
Step Two – Get to bed early
If you find that you yawn your way through Wednesday it may be worth getting an extra hour sleep Tuesday night. Make Tuesday your early night and sacrifice that episode on Netflix (Designated Survivor is excellent BTW). Getting between 8 and 9 hours sleep can increase your productivity by twenty percent, which might make all the difference on Wednesday.
Step Three – Clothes make the man/woman
What we wear can have a huge impact on how we feel and behave. By wearing your favourite clothing, jewellery or shoes it can make us feel better and more confident. If you wear a uniform you could use your favourite aftershave or perfume. Small changes to our mind-set can help create positivity, which can help us have a better day.
Step Four – Listen to your favourite music
If you have heard of dopamine you know it is the chemical released in the brain that makes us feel happier. Exercise is a great way of producing the chemical and if you get a chance to exercise during the day, then take it.
However if you’re pushed for time you could try listening to your favourite music, as it can also produce the chemical. I recommend Queens “Don’t stop me now”, scientifically proven to be the world’s happiest song.
Step Five- Get out of the office for lunch
I noticed over the years that people seem to leave the work place on Friday for lunch. This is a great way of breaking up the day and it gives us something to look forward to.
Instead of going out for lunch on Friday why not do lunch on Wednesday? Make it that bit more special by meeting a friend, whose company you actually enjoy and order something you actually like.
Step Six – Weekly overview
Take a few minutes out on a Wednesday to review the week. Ask yourself what is going well and focus on your successes. .
If the week is not going as planned, make new goals and attack the rest of the week with vigour.
If you’re an employer Wednesday is the ideal day for weekly meetings as it gives you a chance to boost morale of your employees.
None of the above steps are revolutionary but are easy to take and can help. If you would like to discuss productivity, training or any other work related issue you can contact me through Apollo Training Facebook or email
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