Claire Mc Donough from La Maison Letterkenny gives a guide on how to create an effective office space at home.
Ladies, this question has been submitted by lovely reader, who runs her own small business from her kitchen table without a dedicated office…. What a great question, because, really it applies to every one of us, doesn’t it?
Think about it, every one of us has paperwork at home relating to bills, banking, schooling, health etc? So, whether you are running a home, a business or both, this little article does apply to you!

A tiny office can be carved out of any corner….
So, let’s get organised and make life easier…..
I think one of the biggest stumbling blocks we are faced with at home is how to create a workspace without a physical office….so if this is you here’s what you need to do.
If possible try to carve out a little corner somewhere in the house and then kit it out with a proper filing and storage system, as well as your actual work surface.
Sometimes we can be so squeezed for space that the surface we work on (kitchen table anyone?) is not even in the same room as our filing system (filing cabinet in the guest room or magazine files in a bookcase under the stairs). But that’s completely okay, as long as it works for you.

A great understairs workspace. Photo credit: Houzz
Half the battle is being able to reclaim your kitchen and sitting room for your family in the evening time or when school finishes. So, if you are using your kitchen table do invest in a storage or filing system that you can move your work to quickly as the school bus arrives.

Attractive and organised! Keep it simple but attractive
Our clients find working from home most stressful when the kitchen table is trying to accommodate homework and invoices simultaneously!

This tiny space is just the footprint of the desk and could easily be created in your dining area or a guest bedroom. Credit: Houzz
This also goes for those of you running online businesses from your phone and laptop. Whilst it’s fantastic to be so available, downtime is so important. So, whilst my best advice would be remove the laptop from your knee on the sofa and watch your favourite TV programme in peace, I also know that this is easier said than done!
At least have an office area where paperwork is filed and organised and place your laptop in this area to allow yourself that downtime!
Finally, if you are lucky enough to have a dedicated corner or full room for an office, do yourself a massive favour and kit it out properly. Buy decent magazine files and storage boxes, repaint in a fresh new colour (no reds!) clear your desk and find a dedicated spot for every, last thing so that you can easily keep on top of everything!
Have fun and don’t work too hard Ladies! Claire x
Images via Pinterest