A formerly famous pub in Newtowncunningham completely transformed its children's policy.

Teach Lisa
The infamous Argony Pipe Bar on the Derry to Newtown road is to get a new lease of life as a childcare facility aimed at families with children aged 6 months to 4 years. The childminding service will be open to families from Donegal and Derry city from September.
“Teach Lisa” is Irish for Lisa’s House and the ethos of the setting will reflect the home environment of Lisa Mhic Eó, who is opening the facility. “I have three children of my own and they are brought up with both Irish and English at home and they are bilingual as a result.
“Children coming to ‘Teach Lisa’ will receive the benefits of early bilingualism as well as the expected benefits of a high quality, safe and stimulating childcare environment.”

Teach Lisa
Aware that the cost of childcare locally is an issue, Teach Lisa is offering its services below the average charges for Donegal and parents may also be able to avail of the new government subsidies taking effect in September. Costs include breakfast and other meals, while other arrangements such as collection and hours can be adapted to suit parents’ needs.
“Initially we are restricted to only five full-time places in September but I hope to increase that intake as soon as possible thereafter. Therefore places are at a premium and parents should register now to avoid disappointment,” says Lisa.

Teach Lisa