Seven-year-old Mikaela Breen is to have life-changing surgery in England in late January - and a major fundraiser takes place tomorrow night.
Convoy schoolgirl Mikaela was born prematurely and was diagnosed with spina bifida.
Her parents, Sinéad and Chris, didn’t know if she would ever walk.
But bubbly Mikaela, who attends Scoil Bhríde in Convoy, will now have surgery on her tethered spinal cord.
“There is the risk of mobility damage but it will help urology wise,” her mum Sinéad says.
“She cannot keep going the way she is, so we might have to take a risk with her mobility as she has to have healthy kidneys to live.
“Surgery will transform Mikaela’s life and I want her to be as independent as she can be.
“I want her to strong willed as well and do things for herself but she needs healthy kidneys for that.”

Mikaela. Photo Clive Wasson
After her surgery in England, Mikaela – who will be eight next month – will travel to the Boston Children’s Hospital in America for further treatment.,
A Country Music Night will be held in aid of the Mobilize for Mikaela Fund tomorrow night, Thursday, December 14, at Biddy Friel’s in Drumoghill with dancing from 9pm. There will be a jiving competition with prizes for the top three. Tickets are priced at €10.
Sinéad added: “Mikaela would not even be getting this operation in January without the support of the public so far. We really and truly appreciate the help and generosity.”
For anyone who can’t make it to Drumoghill, you can donate via the Go Fund Me page here: gofundme/MobilizeForMikaela