Counsellor Sarah Barr shares an inspirational system to ensure you achieve your goals this New Year.

As we all know from experience, making a New Year’s resolution is easy. Sticking with it and actually achieving your goal is not so easy.

New Year’s resolutions is an important first step, in creating goals. There are many ways you can work towards achieving your goals. One such aid is creating a vision board.

1. Get Started

Any theory about visualising your goals (from The Law of Attraction and The Desire Map to sports psychology), will tell you that in order to attract what you really want, you must first see it, feel it, and imagine you already have it in your life. The same theory applies when creating your vision board.

2. Prioritise

Write a list of all the areas in your life that are important to you. Anything that inspires and motivates you. Think about what your goals in the following areas: relationships, career, finances, home, travel, personal growth and health.
You don’t have to cover each area exactly the same, just imagine what you want from each of those areas and write it down.

3. Gather up your materials

Grab some magazines, cardboard, paper, pens, tape and scissors. For inspiration look up Pinterest. So, for example, if you want a new job, select images to do with work, money and the area of employment you would like to work in. Then choose any people, images or quotes that inspire you.

4. Map out your vision board

Before you begin sticking your images to your board, map it out by placing your images, quotes etc on your board.

5. Hang your board somewhere you will see it every day

By placing your vision board somewhere you will see it daily it will inspire and remind you of your goals, prompting you to think about them, therefore you begin to visualise and attract your goals and dreams into your life.


With any resolution or goal, it is important to take the pressure off!

We all fail at times – no matter how hard we try. What’s important is you keep going, don’t give up.

Another tip is to plan a reward for your progress in achieving your goal or completing the steps involved in achieving your goal.

Remind yourself each day will be different and what you achieve in that day will vary.
This is ok!

Prioritise goals (number 1-5), so say any goal after number 2/3 can be moved to another day if needed. It is not a priority.

Daily goals I think should be kept small bite-sized aims really. Which will to help you to achieve the bigger goal. Here is an example of a daily goal planner which can be copied and used as an aid to help you achieve your goals.

Most importantly don’t get cross at yourself sometimes life gets in the way and that’s ok. Just re-adjust your goal and move it to another day or make it smaller by putting it into bite-size achievable goals.

Whatever the resolution or goal for 2018 is, make sure it is realistic.

One of the biggest mistakes we make with goal-setting is trying to do too much too soon. New Beginnings offer one-to-one mentoring, using CBT and Solution-Focused Techniques. Which will help you set and achieve your goals.

Wishing you all a healthy 2018,

Take Care ~ Sarah.