The first Donegal Women in Business Network event of the year was just the thing members needed to help them strive to make things happen in 2018.
Business consultant and PRO Evelyn Mc Glynn (Evelyn McMarketing) led a workshop last night in Jackson’s Hotel to give an energising talk on marketing and goal-setting for business.

Evelyn Mc Glynn – Evelyn Mc Marketing
‘If it’s legal, do it,” was one of the main motivational messages from Evelyn. She put social media under the spotlight throughout the nigh tby broadcasting the entire meeting on Facebook Live and showing all the ways people can connect their businesses with others online.
Evelyn pointed out that the room was full of opportunities, with over 30 other women in attendance from a wide variety of local industries ready to collaborate. She told everyone to set their goals, then take them one step further.

Attendees at the DWIBN Marketing and Motivation Workshop, January 30th 2018
She used an analogy between business and travelling to illustrate a good goal-setting process. Business, she said, was like going on holiday. People research the destination, plan for activities and potential risks and put the holiday into practice by getting on a plane. Once people arrive they typically spend their time promoting their trip on social media – sharing photos by the sea and tropical drinks – before the novelty wears off to people back home.
The ‘Wow’ factor was introduced by Evelyn as a thing that will get the holiday really noticed. From paragliding, raving or meeting a celebrity, it’s something that will have friends taking about the trip, saynig ‘did you see what she’s up to?’.
Evelyn advised members to find their own ‘wow’ moment for their business. This, she said, often comes from a story that amazes people or pulls at the heartstrings.
A stroke of inspiration led Evelyn to create a new hashtag the following day to encourage people to share their outstanding stories online – #donegalmarketingwow.
From her experience in marketing, book creating and facilitating, Evelyn had many tips to share for setting goals, researching, getting started and constant planning.
The talk was followed by an Open Mic session, where other network members shared snapshots of their businesses backgrounds and goals for the year.
Check out the gallery below from last night’s open mic presentations:
For further information on the Donegal Women in Business Network check out the Facebook page: Donegal Women in Business Network or email and the Donegal Daily group is a proud member and supporter of the Donegal Woman in Business Network. Contact to find out about our exclusive services for members.