Author Sharon Thompson
This week Moville writer Sharon Thompson shares another tale exploring the life of local people.
Each Sunday this series will showcase works of literature written by local women for readers to enjoy.
This week Sharon shares 21 points of pretty prose inspired by the popular saying, “there’s always one.”
There’s always one
Well put ‘one’ before these 21 things and tell us what you think…
(1) for eg. One … Tiny parking space you can’t reverse into.
(2) Arrogant man standing there telling you how to fit into that space or….
(3) In the car with ya, convinced he’d park it better.
(4) Single biscuit left in the box and you’ve someone in for tea.
(5) Relation who tells your mother everything, even though you’re an adult and tell her yourself.
(6) Person who loves you, no matter what. (Ahhhh)
(7) Fecker on your Facebook, who you know – is curling a nose at your posts.
(8) Person’s posts that you curl your nose at.
(9) Guy you snogged that you wish you didn’t.
(10) Know-it-all, who can raise your kids and manage your husband for you.
(11) Man in the pub who thinks women are for leering at.
(12) Woman who will put other women down.
(13) Person who lights up the room and is always positive.
(14) Reason to have a glass of wine/chocolate.
(15) Person who you’d call to help you in a crisis.
(16) Someone worse off than yourself.
(17) Kind deed you should remember.
(18) Thing to cross off the to-do-list and one more thing to add.
(19) Talent to be thankful for.
(20) Night you’ll never forget.
(21) Stray hair on your chin, which you can’t get!