Emmet Rushe says that if you want to get in shape for the summer season, start your plan now to make your journey more sustainable and enjoyable.

We have one week left in March. April will soon be upon us and that means that we have only 12-16 weeks until the summer holiday season kicks off.

The one mistake I see people make every year, is they leave it until the last few weeks before their holiday until they start thinking about getting in shape.

This means that with such a tight time frame, they will have to resort to some extreme measures in order to see any significant changes.

But it doesn’t have to be that way and you shouldn’t put yourself under that kind of pressure.

If you are planning a foreign holiday this year, or if you just want to shape up for the summer season here in Ireland, the time to start is now.


Starting now means that you will leave yourself enough time to get the results you are after, without having to resort to anything extreme like diet shakes or pills.

When a client start with me, we always look at sustainability with their training and nutrition.

They should be able to get the results they want, and not have to turn themselves into a pariah in the process.

Going down the extreme route has only one ending;

Once you get to the end of the plan, you won’t want to do it again for a long time, and that means that you usually end up back to where you started before the program started.

Instead, when you make it more sustainable and leave yourself a longer period of time to get your results, you don’t feel like stopping when the holiday comes along and people are more likely to continue their health and fitness journey after.

The main thing that I see when a client comes back from holidays after following a sustainable plan, is the amount of weight gained is never as much as the person who had to resort to the extreme measures.

I have seen this time and time again with my Rushe Fitness members and with the members of my online Lean in 2018 program.

They are all able to go on holidays and know that they won’t have gained huge amounts of weight after, because we taught them how to fit things into their diet leading up to the holiday and they had left enough time to get sensible and sustainable results.

So, if you have holiday planned this year, or if you are planning on a summer trip, now is the time to start your program.

Make it sensible
Make your nutrition sustainable
Make it enjoyable
Make sure you have plenty of support along the way.

Do all of these things and you are guaranteed to get the results you want and keep them after.

If you don’t know how you would put this together to suit you, we teach you this in our NEW LEAN IN 2018 program.

We had numerous members lose over 3 stone in 2017 and they now know how to keep it off.

If you want to know how to make a real difference in time for the summer, have a look at our Letterkenny gym plan where you can train with us in our Fully equipped and modern gym.

Our next block starts on April 2nd and we are taking new members now!

Or if you can’t make it to the gym due to having a busy job or life, then our LADIES ONLY online plan that you can do from home might suit you better.

Both are laid out exactly as I have described above and if you look at our success stories and testimonials, you will see that it works.

If you want to see real sustainable results this summer, drop me a message and we can make 2018 your year.
