Joanne Butler from OURGanic Gardens is leading the roll-out of the pilot project in Donegal.
Joanne, from Gortahork, has been appointed as the Chairperson of Community Gardens Ireland.
Community Gardens Ireland has been selected as GROW ‘Community Champions’ and will be joining similar organisations from around Europe to develop GROW Places.

Community Gardens Ireland gathering at the Ecovillage in Cloughjordan
Joanne is now aiming to distribute grow soil sensors around the county in order to collect data for the study. This represents a unique chance for local gardeners and landowners to help supply information related to the protection of land and soil.
Joanne said: “This is a big project from a grass roots level to possible global impact to help mitigate climate change.”

Joanne Butler and Pavlos Georgiadis from GROW Observatory
Joanne explains: “Through my work with Community Gardens Ireland, I have now been selected to roll Donegal out as a pilot stage to train them on how to use the soil sensors and collect soil moisture data to help with environmental monitoring for climate change adaptation.
“This means we will contribute data to help scientists develop more accurate climatic models and help predict severe weather events such as droughts, flooding and fires.”

Where the boundary for GROW sensors can go in Co. Donegal
“We will provide growers and interested parties with all the details and supports that you will you need to join in.
“This includes printed materials, on-line supports and sensors. We will also organise fun and engaging face to face events, these will be a great opportunity to learn more about soil and meet like minded growers from this region.”

Grow Sensors
If you would like to get involved and host sensors, contact Joanne on 0861789971 or
The GROW Observatory is a European-wide project engaging thousands of GROWers, researchers and people passionate about land and soil. GROW’s vision is to create and support a movement of thousands of citizens across Europe that will produce, exchange and use information related to land and soil.
See for more information.
Want to know more? See the videos:
GROW’s Call to Action for a Changing Climate
Using GROW Sensors to better understand your soils
GROW Observatory: A European-wide project engaging thousands of growers, scientists and others passionate about the land. We will discover together, using simple tools to better manage soil and grow food, while contributing to vital scientific environmental monitoring.