There are some presents that you simply can't buy, writes personal coach Melody Chadamoyo.

Melody Chadamoyo
Melody Chadamoyo is a Dublin-based Relationship Coach and founder of the Heart Passion Institute.
This Christmas, Melody has shared some ideas for gifts that may reignite your relationships – with partners, friends, family and yourself:
Christmas time is a time for love, family and sharing. Some even call it the best time of the year. It’s also a time when people are more stressed than at any other time of the year.
Why Christmas is so stressful
Most of the stress comes from worrying about getting the wrong presents or disappointing our loved ones and getting thoughtless presents, you don’t like. People stress because they want to put their best foot forward and have all the shine and sparkle that everyone seems to have.
I personally love this time of year because I get to look back and reflect on some of the things I set out to achieve this year. The things I focus on are how many friends I connected with, time I spent with my loved ones and how much I took care of myself during the year.
Most importantly, I take the time to love and care for myself, that is actively self-care and self-love. During the break, take the time to do something special for yourself.
Whether that means going for a cup of coffee or massage, do that and enjoy it. Give yourself a minimum of 2 hours to just be and enjoy something special.
Practise self-love
Make a list of things you love about yourself. This is helpful during stressful times to bring out and enjoy and remind yourself that there are good things that do happen in your life. I love that I am now doing something I have wanted to do, becoming a Relationship Coach. I am a kind and generous person and I am a great mom (so my girls have told me).
You can even say, “I make a great cup of tea”. Appreciate who you are.
Tell someone in your life 3 things you like about them. This is such a gift especially if it’s not solicited. You will feel great for doing it and the other person will really enjoy receiving that gift.
Why do I focus on myself so much? I believe that you can’t give what you don’t have. In order for me to have love and patience, kindness and gratitude I need to practise giving it to myself first. When my cup is full, I then pass it on to other people.
Connect with family
To bring fun into Christmas, plan to do something fun as a family. You could go for a family movie, play games or listen to music and dance, as we love to do in my family.
If you take the time to take each member of your family aside and spend time getting to know how much they have grown, who they are as a person and how best to love them, you would have made the magic of Christmas practical and real.
Make an effort to be easy going. Relax and enjoy yourself as much as you can. Stop and check in inside if you’re being the person you enjoy being.
This will make the holidays more fun and enjoyable.
And if you’re going out to the shops, remember all those people who work in retail doing their best to help you get what you need are real people with feelings.
Leave them feeling better than they did before you met them. Merry Christmas!
Melody’s mission is to help women who are frustrated and unhappy with their past romantic relationships. She helps them detox emotional scar tissue so that they are ready to fully enjoy the new loving relationship they deserve.
Visit her Facebook page here: @heartpassioninstitute
Melody is also a member of the Women’s Inspire Network, which is coming to Donegal on the 10th of April 2019! is the WIN media partner for the ‘Overcoming Challenges’ conference at Harvey’s Point. Tickets for ‘Women’s Inspire Donegal’ are out now on Use the code ‘donegalwoman’ for 20% off your ticket. Tickets include a full day conference, lunch, and workshops.