#WIN19Donegal speaker Mags Boland Murphy talks about valuing time, lessons learned and the forces that inspire her.
Pricing is one of the biggest hurdles in business – how much should you charge, how much is your time worth and how do you price for profit?
Mags Boland Murphy has her sights set on tackling the issues head-on with attendees at the Women’s Inspire Seminar this April 10th in Harvey’s Point Donegal.
The Wexford-based business consultant will be sharing insights into ‘Valuing your time’ at the conference, which is sure to be a valuable talk for all local women in business.
Ahead of her appearance at #WIN19Donegal, DW spoke to Mags about her work, lessons learned and the forces that inspire her.
Me and My Business – Mags Boland Murphy, Bofin Consultancy
My business is Bofin Consultancy. I work with growing businesses who may be facing operational and strategic challenges, struggling with sales & marketing and panicking about profits – to plan, package and promote their businesses so that they connect with more of their ideal customers and to recharge revenue.
My business is client focused and we have a record of award winning and successful clients who are going from strength to strength consistently. We work with Tourism & Hospitality, Construction, Media, Food, Retail, start-ups and business support entities.

Mags Boland Murphy – Bofin Consultancy
What I am looking forward most at Women’s Inspire Donegal:
First up, I always look forward to visiting Donegal, it is just a stunning place. I am looking forward to sharing my own business story with the audience on the day and to keeping it real. I always look forward to reconnecting and meeting the fabulous members of this national network of inspirational women who are rocking their own business story.
I am really looking forward to helping the attendees to embrace their value and price positively by delivering some knowledge and tips on “Pricing Positively for Profit.”
Pricing with confidence will help businesses to be confident in their sales space and with their ideal clients, it also helps business owners to really connect immediately with the clients and customers they want to work with.
How I got to where I am today
In 2010, I became a first time mother, moved to an area where I knew absolutely nobody and decided to bite the bullet and do what clients and contacts had been encouraging me to do for years, strike out on my own and seize the day.
My own background is 20 years of professional and commercial experience in the tourism & hospitality industry, national event management, national media, food and construction sectors. I wanted to help businesses owners who were focused and committed and who really wanted to succeed to do just that, succeed consistently.

Mags Boland Murphy – Bofin Consultancy
My business growth
The business has trebled in the last 4 years and works with businesses who become award winners and achievers, those are focused and committed. The business has changed and positively evolved in 8 years and we now support business owners nationally and internationally.
The most valuable things I have learned about business over the years:
- Qualified advice is invaluable. Check the credentials of those you engage to provide advice and service.
- No plan survives contact – but you do need to plan! Be prepared for your plan to change and allow that to happen, it is the business cycle and part of your business journey.
- Be ready to embrace learning lessons and the day I stop learning is the day I close the doors.
- No one person knows everything about business. We all have our craft and we need to recognise that – would you cut your own hair? For the most part the answer is “no”. In business if you need help with accounts or sales or marketing or design, then go to the person who is the expert and whose craft that is.
- Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Build valuable and real business connections and relationships.
- Be true to yourself. Don’t compromise principles and ethics, be real and keep it real.
- Up the ante every time.

Mags Boland Murphy – Bofin Consultancy
My business network
I am lucky to have a great team around me and access to just great human beings and business minds. I never under appreciate this.
My husband David is a great supporter since day one and has helped me to weather business ups and downs, moments of doubt and mini “how am I going to juggle this” moments!! Both he and my little girl keep me grounded and are my champions, they have my back.
My colleague Corrina is just a little rocket of positive and “can do” energy and support, she keeps me on my toes, organised and provides valuable support not just to me but to our clients every week.
I was a very lucky lady to be introduced to Blaise Brosnan, the man who offers invaluable guidance and inspired progress in me and in my business.
I received great support from my local enterprise office in Wexford when I set up the business which was so valuable to me in lots of ways.
I also want to acknowledge the first clients I had, The Talbot Collection, they said yes to me and gave me a chance to kick it all off and that is all a person and business needs, is a chance. We continue to work together today.
Who or what inspires me to succeed
The most important person who inspires me is my daughter Freya. She is my “why” in life. I want to set an example to her that anything is possible and to dream big and that you can do anything you want to in this life and to listen, learn, strive to succeed and to stay true to yourself.

Mags Boland Murphy – Bofin Consultancy
My husband David is a very determined, focused and strong minded individual, he is a leader who supports and inspires me to keep going through the good, the not so good and the ugly.
The first people to inspire me were my parents. They wanted us all to succeed in life and do better. We were raised with very a strong work ethic and one of “it costs nothing to be nice, just don’t be an eejit” to quote my dad. For my mum and my dad, my aim was always to make them proud and to stay strong.
I now live in Wexford and have travelled the world but my hometown of Limerick inspires me. Limerick is a strong city of sporting prowess, rich in history, a progressive city and really down to earth folk, I love it and I am a proud Limerick and Munster lass to the core, so yes, without knowing it, my city and its fab people inspire me.
My clients inspire me every day. I meet so many business owners every year nationwide and overseas. They all have a story to tell and their own journey to take. Each and every client inspires me to continue the great work we do and to continue to support ability, potential and success.
My goals for the future
- To continue to support potential and ability in life and in business.
- To add new support for clients consistently. To up the ante every year.
- To increase our work overseas
- To develop a written and on air programme of support for bright business minds
- To encourage flexibility support – that is, getting the balance right for every business owner. Health is real wealth, we are nothing without it in our business, I am aiming to introduce something soon to support this, so stay tuned.
Connect with mags www.linkedin/in/magsbolandmurphy
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Women’s Inspire Network Donegal – Tickets out now!
Tickets for #WIN19Donegal are out now on Eventbrite – with an exclusive 20% discount code for Donegal Woman readers.
Simply enter the promotional code donegalwoman at the checkout.