Louise McDonnell literally wrote the book on Facebook marketing.

Louise McDonnell
Sligo-based digital marketer Louise McDonnell is Donegal-bound on 10th April to share her knowledge at the Women’s Inspire Spring Seminar at Harvey’s Point.
The inspiring speaker has conquered social media and is on a mission to help others tap into the power of Facebook and Instagram Ads to build brand awareness and drive sales.
She sees Facebook ads as possibly the most powerful tool available to brands today, but most businesses are only scraping the surface in terms of their potential.
Ahead of her talk at Women’s Inspire Donegal, we find out how Louise became a guru on the new world of social media.
Louise McDonnell lives in west Sligo with her husband and two children. She is a social media Author, Speaker, Trainer and Coach. Last year she published her first book; Facebook Marketing, The Essential Guide for Irish Organisations (The Liffey Press).

Louise McDonnell – Facebook Marketing
Social media wasn’t an option when Louise went to college to study Languages and Marketing at Sligo Institute of Technology.
“It wasn’t until third year, while on Erasmus in a French college, that I encountered someone using email. That was the early 90’s and email was a big discovery!,” she said.
Louise was introduced to the world of Digital Business while working for one of Ireland’s earliest PC in the office had dial up internet access. We have come such a long way since then.
Now the internet and social media are so much part of our lives. Louise started helping businesses use social media as a marketing tool in 2009.
“Back then it was revolutionary to be using social media for business. I worked as a mentor on Failte Ireland’s emarketing panel and helped businesses create digital marketing strategies.”
Louise also developed social media training courses and started delivering them for Local Enterprise Offices in the North West.
The idea for her book came from an interesting suggestion:
“Some years ago after a training course in Leitrim one of the participants suggested that I should write a book. Initially I laughed it off but then I considered all the experience I had gained from working with small businesses. I knew the issues they faced, the difficulties they had with social media and what they needed to do to get results,” she said.
Louise’s book was launched in November 2017 and the Kindle edition was launched in January 2019.
“I’m very proud of the book. It’s all about creating a strategy so it won’t date. It’s very practical and is packed full of examples of Irish businesses succeeding with Facebook. There’s a section on case studies which features a hotel, leisure centre, destination marketing group, makeup artist, butcher, GAA club and fashion boutique and ecommerce store.”
“I believe that Facebook is one of the most powerful marketing tools. Everyday in Ireland there are 2.3 million users, that’s more than Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram combined. If businesses are strategic with the content they publish they can reach their audience and build brand awareness.
“The advertising platform on Facebook is what separates it from all other networks. Small businesses can use sophisticated targeting features and use paid ads to ensure their content is seen. It’s all in the book!”
Buy “Facebook Marketing, The Essential Guide for Irish Organisations” in any good book store or on Easons.com, Kennys.ie, Amazon, Book Depository etc.
Check out Women’s Inspire Donegal to hear Louise speak at Harvey’s Point next week!
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