The Maternity Unit at Letterkenny University Hospital is introducing new policies to reduce the number of visitors allowed in the ward.
The changes, which are based on feedback from new mothers, will see reduced family visiting times and a restriction on who can visit.
Partners will be welcome between 11am and 8.30pm daily.
Apart from partners, the only other visitors allowed will be grandparents and siblings of the newborn who may visit between 6.30pm and 8.30pm in the evening.

Margaret Page Slevin and baby Nevaeh from Convoy in County Donegal in the Maternity Department at Letterkenny University Hospital last week.
Speaking of the change, Evelyn Smith, Director of Midwifery at the hospital said, “We sought feedback from new mothers on our visiting policy and the overwhelming message was that there were too many visitors during their hospital stay and there was little time for the new parents to spend time together with their new baby.”
Ms Smith said that only allowing partners in the daytime and afternoons will allow time for rest and establishing a routine with the baby.
“We are asking for the public to help us maintain a restful and comfortable environment for mothers and babies while they are in the Maternity Unit and to co-operate with the new visiting times. I would like to thank all the mothers who participated in the feedback for their insights and recommendations,” Ms Smith added.
October 8, 2019
I am delighted to hear this. I had my baby last year and the visiting hours in LK hospital was comparable to animals in a zoo. Too much noise and no one cared about Mum or baby. It was not a nice experience. About time!