For any mammies nursing sore heads today, Maria has some funny and true tips to read BEFORE going out partying.
Good afternoon!
I do hope that we all woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning.
It’s time to repost Mammy’s rules for surviving the Christmas party (which unfortunately Mammy should have read BEFORE she went out last night. …)
Notes to Mammy…
1. Mammy is not 20.
2. Mammy can NOT drink whatever is set in front of her. And Mammy CAN leave drinks untouched. Imagine…
3. Mammy + mixing drinkiepoos = bad idea…ALWAYS.
4. Mammy SHOULD know better.
5. The first time Mammy thinks that maybe she’s had way more than enough and PROBABLY should go home, she should. She is right. She is absolutely right.

6. Mammy should not jive with ANYONE, especially if they are considerably shorter than her heeled self.
7. Mammy must remember that while a good big meal is a good idea before supping beverages, supping beverages before and DURING said meal, defeats the fricken purpose.
8. Mammy is NOT a feckin Pussy Cat Doll and should therefore not “Shake it off” or “drop like it’s hot” or any other such teenage nonsense, Mammy is NOT Cheryl-of-the-squatting. Slut drops after the age of 26 are not advisable. Nor are they sexy, regardless of what lies Gin tells you…
9. Mammy should only partake in nights out IF she has all of the meals and uniforms ready for Monday, house sorted and general Shit together BEFORE she goes out. For nothing shall be done for the next 48 hours…
10. Mammy should remember that just because she is dying a death, Mini-Me still talks ALL DAY and Princess still POOS frequently. Also, children have this selfish, needy thing about requiring fed, and not particularly caring that even the sight of the kitchen makes Mammy’s tummy turn. Selfish like.
11. Mammy should not watch anything more emotional than The Big Bang Theory after a night out. When Mammy finds herself sobbing at a Pampers advert, or indeed an episode of Paw Patrol, she deserves the raised “seriously” eyebrow from Him.
12. Mammy must also remember that while The Him is very kind and allows her to die a little inside, he will also take every opportunity to laugh at her, torture her and remind her of point 1…
13. Mammy should try to find this post and read it BEFORE she goes out, instead of only remembering about it AFTER she has decided that the gin must obviously have been spiked or the food in the restaurant MUST OBVIOUSLY have been poisoned.
#whylike #neverlearns