The winners have been revealed!
Outstanding mums across Donegal got a welcome lift this week after scooping Donegal Mammy Awards.
The virtual online awards were launched a week ago by Evelyn Mc Glynn and Meg O’Gara, bloggers on, ahead of an unusual Mother’s Day where many families could not meet.
Instead, relatives and friends were invited to nominate amazing mothers for a wide variety of awards.
These awards give recognition to many mums who are wonderful carers, who have overcome the odds, who have made superb achievements, who dedicate themselves to others and who are selfless in all they do.
The winners are listed below, along with their touching nomination stories.
“We hope to plan a great big party for everyone after all this self isolating is over and we can all come together and celebrate these award winners and nominations properly,” said organisers Evelyn and Meg.

Donegal Mammy Romance Award
sponsored by Waterfront Hotel Dungloe
The winners are: Vanessa Rasher and her hubby (we didn’t get his name) nominated by their daughter Lisa
“Mum and dad have been married 50 years this year. We have just been to Vegas and surprised them with a wedding renewal in the little white chapel with Elvis. They are so romantic..always holding hands. Dad leaves notes on her pillow. They spend every minute together of every day. Such an inspiration and such a special mum. Always there for advice and support. Two love birds together forever.”
Donegal Mammy Empty Nester Award
Sponsored by Sliabh Liag Boat Trips
Winner: Margaret Duffy
Nominated by her daughter Aileen Mc Glinchey
“Mammy deserves to win an award because our whole family would be lost without her. A mother to 10 daughters, Granny to 31 grandchildren and Great Granny to 4 great grandchildren. She’s had her hands full down through the years and has always gave her all to support each and every one of us no matter what. A mammy at the age of 18 and now a granny still helping look after grandchildren at 71. She keeps herself young and is full of craic and style. She knows too well about an empty nest having raised such a large family to now living alone. A visit to “Granny’s” is always a fun one and there’s always a cup of tea and craic to be had. At this worrying time it’s hard not being able to visit but we know it’s best for everyone’s safety. I celebrated my birthday on 16th March and she still managed to call to my house and deliver my present through the window. No one gets left out and she always has time for a call and a check-in to see how our day has been and how our little ones are doing. She does everything with a heart and a half and I can honestly say we would all be lost without her in our lives. She’s one in a million to us.”
Donegal Mammy Communicator Award
Sponsored by Karen Murphy Speech, Drama & Communications
Winner: Oonagh Curran
Nominated by her daughter Rachelle Tourish
“I would like to nominate my Mammy for Communicator award because she keeps us all informed of the local news and everything else that we should know around Donegal. Four children around the world can be difficult with time zones however Mammy has them mastered so that we are kept up to date with the latest.No chance of any of us forgetting our roots.Mammy has successfully moved up to voice notes on what’s app, for this alone I hope she wins and continues to keep us laughing on the phone !”
Donegal Mammy Carer Award
Sponsored by Home Instead Senior Care Donegal
Winner Karen Murray
Nominated by Ciara Murray
My mum is one of the strongest, most hard working women I know. She always puts others first. After we lost my sister to still-birth in 2011, my mum continued to care for my granddad, who had an illness until his death in 2013. These were an incredibly tough couple of years for us all, but my mum let her grief inspire her to continue to help others. In 2014, she enrolled as a student in L.Y.I.T, never having attended college, and graduated in 2018, with a Bs.c honours degree in Health and Social Care. There is nothing my mum hasn’t supported me with in my entire life. She taught me to drive, and that was no easy task! But above all she’s taught me not only what it means to be a strong woman, but a strong person, too. In February, she walked me to the departure gates of Dublin airport as me and my boyfriend left for Canada. I know that this mother’s day will be hard for her, and even more so with everything that’s happening around the world. My mum still works as a health care professional, and isn’t taking a step back amid the crisis happening, and like many others, is working hard to look after our loved ones. I would love to cheer up her mother’s day and I think an award would be the best way to do it, to show her no matter how far away we may be from each other, she’s always close to my heart.
Donegal Mammy Stitchit Award
Sponsored by Stitch it Bernie
Winner Hannah McGuire
Nominated by Friend
She is an excellent mammy to her three children and she made the most beautiful christening gown in crochet, hence the reason for the stitch it award… she is fantastic with crochet and has made beautiful items for her home which adds character… and she is a fantastic friend.
Donegal Digital Mammy Award
Sponsored by Evelyn Mc Marketing
Winner Taralouise McCaughey
Nominated by her friend
“Tara Louise runs zinc media, she is an Acorn, she has 3 children. she is very visible on social media and is always promoting local businesses. she volunteers locally too. plus she loves
Donegal Mammy Business Award
Sponsored by Deirdre McGlone
Winner Julie Mc Monagle
Nominated by Dona Quinn
My friend Julie is more than a friend. She is the sister I’ve never had. She works so hard in her family business while looking after her three wonderful children. She is so selfless and does everything for everyone else. I would love her to get recognition for all she does for me and her family.
Donegal Mammy Gardening Award
Sponsored by OURganic Gardens
Winner Teresa Kelly
“She’s always on the go should it be organising what’s happening on the farm , to keeping on top of all the books , calling ,texting , face timing her seven children and eleven grandchildren . And to top it all off she’s a fabulous baker .”
Donegal Mammy Culinary Award
Sponsored by Yes chef catering
Winner Clodagh mc Gee
Nominated by Mary – Mother
“Clodagh works full time has 2 lovely boys and never misses a day calling to see me as I have parkinsons and osteoarthritis . Sometimes juggling taking the boys to swimming. Football. Piano. Boxing. I thinks she deserves to win for ALWAYS BEING THERE FOR HER MAMMY.”
Stylish Donegal Mammy Award
Sponsored by The Beauty Spot
Winner Jennifer Rule
Nominated by Susan Johnston – Sister in law
“Jenny is a brand new mammy to her gorgeous wee woman Robyn x through all of it Jenny always has a smile on her face even when she’s had abt an hours sleep!! She’s always on the go & never takes a minute to herself! She’s going a fantastic job and doesn’t give herself enough credit x we love you Jenny doll & your wee princess Robyn
Better not forget daddy Gordon too “.
Creative Donegal Mammy Award
Sponsored by Megnificent Creative
Winner Mary Gallagher
Nominated by Aoife Thomas
” I could nominate my Mum for several of the categories but I have chosen this award in particular as my Mum lives and breathes for her creative endeavours. Having had nine children, her projects that were always on the go in the house, we’re her way of allowing time for herself. She first knitted a jumper for her younger brother at the age of 6. A mathematical feat of genius in my book. She didn’t stop creating useful, and beautiful items since then. Clothes for her children, elaborate patchwork quilts and crafts for the home, lovingly made cards for family and friends…the list continues. She recently designed and made a contemporary Aran Knit for myself. Never needing a pattern, she calculates stitches and develops garments relying solely upon her own knowledge she has garnered through practice over the years. She has encouraged us to learn to knit over the years, perhaps not having the word for it before it’s time, but I believe it is her way of practicing mindfulness.
“Always very willing to teach anyone wanting to learn a craft.
She inspired me to study fashion design myself. I continue to be in awe of her talents, her motivation and her creations.
“She began her social distancing within her house two weeks ago, she is currently creating a Covid Crochet bag.”
Donegal Mammy Photography Award
Sponsored by Beaus & Belles Photography
Winner Janet Harley
Nominated by her hubby!!!
“My wife is never done taking photos & she has so many of me and our boys but I’m crap at it. Today on mother’s day I found it hard to find any of her with the boys so I’m trying to fix that.”
Donegal Mammy Volunteer Award
Sponsored by Seclusion spa
Winner Darina Friel
Nominated by Rachel Friel daughter
“My mammy is amazing loving caring, she has fought cancer lost two parents and became a granny all within 6 years. She is 30years married this year to my daddy and that alone deserves an award! She was the first women to become a chairperson of an GAA club in ulster, she is a beaver leader the past 22 years even though she has no children involved in this she still does it. She is also heavily involved in our local St Vincent De Paul group. She is one of the most active women in our village and is always trying to do best for others within our community and brings our family together….. she is our rock x”
Donegal Mammy Fitness Award
Sponsored by Rushe Fitness Maria Rushe
Winner Julie McMullen
Nominated by Eithne Sproule
“Julie is a mother of 4, teaches full time and also manages to make time to train for and take part in endurance events. She run many marathons, 50 mile and 100 mile events, completed an Ironman triathlon, won the RACE 2018. She volunteers as a coach at her local athletic club and also in her school. This June is running from Mizen to Malin in aid of 3 cancer charities. #superwoman“
Donegal Mammy Driving Award
Sponsored by Shane Connolly Car Sales Ltd
Winner Deirdre Grant
Nominated by Christen Grant daughter
“Mum definitely deserves the driver award because she taught me (somehow) with great patience and even drove to Dublin to take me to a job interview! She is an outstanding mammy, supporting us in everything that we and being so creative and inspiring to all.. she even is working on a course to help other mammys get more out of their relationship with their children and working with teenagers!”
Donegal Mammy Sparkly Award
Sponsored by Central Hotel Donegal
Winner Arlene Gill
Nominated by husband Liam
Arlene is a Mum of three to Ryan (19), Caoimhe (16) and Lachlan (11). She is a brilliant mum to all three. Ryan has classic autism and diabetes type 1. Arlene manages his diabetes by administering his insulin and checking his bloods frequently throughout the day. She shows great resilience and never complains. She is great fun and is very independent and shows how to love life. She’s a friend to her children but great Mum first and foremost. She is one of the strongest people I know. She always puts her children first and shows great strength. She is strong, fearless and independent. There isn’t a Mum out there like her and we are blessed to have her in our lives. She teaches our children morals and life lessons to support their dreams. She has a successful blog: girly inspo and loves style and fashion. She deserves any award and is a winner in our families eyes
Donegal Mammy Sustainability Award
Sponsor Stella Boutique
Winner Carmel Mc Devitt
Nominator Kerrie Kelly
My mum is a fantastic help to myself and my family, my husband was in hospital for a week recently and I’ve a son with autism who couldn’t understand why daddy was in hospital so my mum ( and dad ) knew exactly how to deal with him so we didn’t have to worry about our son when we had so much more worrying things going on. They made the whole situation so much easier to deal with. We also have a teenage daughter and they know the stress she has to deal with as her brother has so much going on, my mum always makes sure she’s ok gives her little surprises to cheer her up. I would be completely lost without my Mum xxxx
Donegal Mammy Reader Award
Sponsored by The Donegal Mammy Club
Winner Cora Friel
Nominated by Audrey Crawford
My Mam has a battle just to get going every day (She has COPD) She instilled a love of reading in all of her kids which we are so grateful for in these quiet times. She has a smartphone (yes, I did say she’s 74!) is on FB, has her online banking set up & spins about in her 182Renault Captur. She’s truly cool!!! Also, loves a few glasses of wine & is mad for the craic! She’s just a wee warrior!
Donegal Mammy Homeschooler Awards
Sponsored by Sliabh Liag Boat Tours
Winner Kathleen Curran
Nominated by Angela McFadden
My sister is one of most amazing mothers in this universe, she has 4 children, her youngest has severe intellectual disability and is non verbal, the love and support she gives to her Cahir and her other children is so inspirational, she has had a tough year and nothing ever brings her down .she always looks for the positive in every situation and would fight till the death for her children to have the supports in place that they need .
Donegal Granny Award
Sponsored By Boathouse Restaurant Killybegs
Bridie Boyce winner
Nominated by Tara Daughter
She is so good to everyone. Loves my 2 kids and her other 3 grandkids to bits. She helps look after my 2 so myself and my husband can work. She also looks after dad who has Alzheimer’s for the past 9 plus years. She never complains or never says no. She has had a tough time losing her mum and sister in the past year.
Outstanding Donegal Mammy Award
Sponsored by McElhinneys
Winner Mary Nelis
Nominated by Claire her Daughter
She is AMAZING!! She is Mammy to her 4 children(well adults now) and can’t do enough for us all.
This is now extended to her grandchildren. 2 of which are down under in Brisbane Australia which breaks her heart.
No only do we love her but her own brothers/sisters nieces and nephews hold her in high esteem, never passing Aunty Marys without stopping in for some of her famous homemade scones and homemade jam….yum and of course a good old natter.
the kettle is always on the boil and there’s always a seat at the table for whoever comes through the door.
She even goes beyond that by sending baked goods or a home cooked meal or homemade jam to anyone that is sick or my granny next door.
She hasn’t had it easy, in 2009, her eldest son and my brother had an accident that resulted in a sever brain injury. My parents both remained pillar of strength through this time, though very challenging and even built and extension onto our house so my brother could come back home. He needs round the clock care, but again nothing is to much for this amazing woman.
She also lost her own mum in recent years which was very sore on her, she definitely deserves something good to happen to her for a change.
She does all of this whilst holding down a full-time job in Glenveagh National park.
Our home would not be the same without her in it. She is a home-maker, home-baker, cook, cleaner, Counsellor and all round glue that holds our family together. We love her with all our hearts and would be so grateful if you would consider her for this prize xx