Donegal hypnobirthing instructor Anne Doherty Quinn helps mothers take control of the most memorable experience of their lives, and she has some extra advice for expectant mothers during the current Covid-19 pandemic.

Have you found your way of dealing with the changes brought about by the coronavirus yet? No matter how positive a person you might be, it’s hard not to let fear or anxiety creep in every now and then. To worry about the ‘what ifs’ or how long all this is going to last for.
Taking things day by day and staying in the moment is the best thing we can do for ourselves.
Stay focused on the next few hours and do something that will help you to relax – go for a walk, listen to some upbeat music, get lost in a good book, whatever is your thing. Take some deep breaths in and the let your exhales take care of themselves.
Staying calm during this pandemic is actually good preparation for birth as exactly the same rules apply to both.
Even if your birth isn’t straightforward or the circumstances aren’t what you’d hoped they’d be, you still have control over how you react to what’s happening.

Again, anytime you feel overwhelmed, the best thing you can do is to avoid thinking too far ahead and concentrate on the here and now.
Focus on switching off your thinking mind (no ‘how long is this going to take?’ or ‘if I’m feeling like this now, what are things going to be in a few hours time?’), and set yourself short, achievable tasks instead.
For example rocking on your birth ball for the next few surges (contractions) and not thinking past that. If your partner is with you, they can really help with this.
In Labourland time doesn’t matter (bit like the days of the week at the moment!), so cover up any clocks you have around you and try to stay in the moment. Each surge brings you closer to your baby.
We have the power to control our internal environment, regardless of what’s going on in our outer world. Whether that’s for Covid-19 or for birth.
Let’s take things day by day. Right now we’re one day closer to all this being over. And you’re one step closer to holding your baby.

Helping women own their birth experience is Anne’s passion. Contact 087 9241432 or find her on Facebook and Instagram @simplybirthdonegal.