The North West Breast Cancer Charity Ball is going virtual this year and YOU are invited.
The virtual event is scheduled to go live on Facebook at 7.30pm on this Friday, 27th November and you can find information and/or make a donation at
Máire Lynam, a member of the committee, explains the motivation behind going virtual with the ball: “Following the cancellation of the Breast Ball due to Covid 19 restrictions, we wanted people living with a diagnosis of breast cancer here in the North West to know that they have not been forgotten and that the drive to raise funds for research into the management and the treatment of the disease continues.”

Máire adds that the committee have been moved by the generosity of people to become involved with the event.
“The night will be hosted by the wonderful Noel Cunningham, with his usual style and panache. Noel will introduce a variety of guests including The Copykatz, The Cufflinks and The Bentley Boys. Lovers of traditional music will enjoy contributions from Paul Harrigan, The McGrory family and the Breathnach family and those who enjoy a song or two will welcome performances from Martin Orr and Tanya McCole.”
The committee is particularly delighted that the final performance of the evening will be from poet and writer Denise Blake, who will recite one of her own poems. And of course, this year’s celebrity guest will be revealed on the night.
Each year the Breast Ball is addressed by a medical guest, usually a professional who has made a name for themselves in the field of breast cancer research. This year’s guest was to have been Dr Zahraa AlHilli of the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. AlHilli has published many papers on the diagnosis , treatment and management of breast cancer.

Instead, Dr. AlHilli will be interviewed live from Cleveland on Highland Radio on Friday at 10am.
Máire Lynam commented; “We are extremely grateful to Dr. AlHilli for taking the time out of her busy schedule to facilitate this interview and we hope to see her in person at a Breast Ball sometime in the future.”
Tune in to Facebook or the iFundraise page at 7.30pm on Friday to see how you can join in the fun. If you would like to support the continuing effort to fund research into breast cancer being undertaken at Letterkenny University Hospital, please go to:
Every contribution helps! You can also follow the event’s progress on a variety of social media platforms:
Instagram: nwbreastcancerball
Twitter @NWBCancerBall