Three IT Sligo Academics talk to us about the common misconceptions and opportunities for women in engineering, construction and computing.
Women in Engineering, Construction and Computing: IT Sligo in Focus
A common misconception and old stereotype is that engineering, construction, and computing are for men. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, in recent years, a greater percentage of females are choosing careers in these areas.

This is mirrored by what IT Sligo have noticed – an increase in the number of females choosing to study these type of CAO programmes year on year. They fully expect numbers to increase this year once again. Here is what some of their female staff had to say.
Emma Britton, from Pettigo, is the Programme Chair of Civil Engineering “Today the Engineering industry is crying out for Engineers who not only have expert technical capability but are also good communicators and work effectively in teams. Other crucial skills include a strong, analytical mind and attention to detail. All of these are things that women excel in. A shortage of graduates also means that Engineers are extremely well paid.
Only about 20% of third level students studying engineering courses are females which is a pity as it has been noted that females hold the same ability to be successful in the industry as males. It is increasing but I would encourage more females to really consider this as an option. I am just one example of where you can go. The most important piece of advice I would give to girls that are considering getting into Engineering and especially Civil Engineering, is that it’s a very diverse and well-paid career where you are sure to find a pathway that interests you.”

Veronica Rogers, a lecturer in Computing, added “A career in computing offers a wide range of diverse career opportunities and skills. I think there is sometimes a misconception about a career in computing for females. However due to the careers on offer being so diverse, you can have a very rewarding and enjoyable career in computing. Now more than ever, with more reliance on remote working, has the need for computing professionals come to the fore-front. Here at IT Sligo, we continue to encourage more females to get involved with computing as they bring a different perspective and standpoint to the industry.” It is also worth noting that the Head of Department of Computing is also a female – Diane O’Brien.
Una Parsons, Head of Faculty of Engineering and Design, said “There is much more awareness of the variety of disciplines one can choose and the rewarding careers now available. I encourage anyone interested to check what we have on offer in, arrange to talk to staff with any queries and check out our video ‘Passion for engineering – women excel in engineering’ which you can view here This is something we are very passionate about”

IT Sligo is home to state-of-the-art facilities in engineering, construction and computing. To have a look at these facilities and check out the courses on offer, simply go to