Counsellor Sarah Barr announces the details of her next Minding Mummy workshop for mums of all stages and ages.
Our DW mental health columnist Sarah Barr is launching a new workshop for maternal mental health this May.
Here, Sarah shares an introduction to the Minding Mummy Workshop and how it is for mums of all stages and ages.

What is the Minding Mummy workshop?
Minding Mummy was created as a safe space for mothers to learn new tools and techniques, and to mind their mental and emotional needs.
Motherhood is a journey and sometimes through the transition we can lose ourselves. We may become anxious, depressed and compare ourselves to other mums. We hide behind a mask, too scared to talk about our mental health in case we are judged.
Sometimes we need to understand why we are feeling this way and how to care for our mental health and emotional needs.

Minding Mummy’s Hopes:
• Create an open and accepting atmosphere for discussing the role of mothering.
• Normalise the experience and expectations of mothering.
• Promote positive mental well-being.
• Help provide information about mothers’ mental health.
• Connect the wellness of a mother to the wellness of her children and family.
• Promote wellness around self-care.
• Meet with other mothers and enhance social support opportunities for mothers.
• Encourage seeking help for mental health complaints and illnesses.
• Encourage positive self-talk, alternative thinking patterns and develop new coping strategies that lower distress and improve decision making.
• Reduce the negative stigma attached to mental health.

Our next Minding Mammy Workshop:
• Saturday 22nd May
• 10am to 1pm
• Via Zoom
• €40
To book a place on our Minding Mummy Workshop or for more details- email: