Donegal Women’s Network is delighted to be partnering with Akidwa to offer the “Women together for a Better World” programme.
This is a four week programme starting on Thursday 13th May 10.30am-1.30pm, which will explore the importance of gender equality and equality through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls) and (SDG11: Reduce inequality within and among countries).

The workshop sessions will be a friendly and interactive space to connect with other women, explore and learn about sustainable development, equality, human rights, share ideas and look at ways to advance gender equality locally and globally through collective action.
Over the 4 sessions you will explore
• Advancing gender equality locally and globally
• Looking at sustainable goals 5 and 10, equality and human rights in Ireland
• Connecting the UN sustainable development goals to our everyday lives and experiences
• Reimaging our futures and developing actions for change
If you are interested in taking part in this programme please fill in the form here and we will be in contact to confirm your place and provide the course zoom login details.
For further information please contact NCCWN Donegal Women’s Network by email on or 074 9722790.