If you didn't manage to keep up with health and fitness during lockdown, Emmet Rushe explains how easy it is to start getting more active - all you have to do is try!
It has been extremely easy to fall into a rut with everything that has been going on.
I spoke about this at the start of the initial Lockdowns back in 2020 and I made the point that “habits made during the lockdowns would be very hard to break!”
Last year was a wash-out for many people’s health and fitness.
New Year’s resolutions did not happen due to the current Lockdown.
This means that we have some people who will have spent almost 15 months without doing anything to look after their health, fitness, or nutrition.
It is time to stop!
The reason I say this is simple;
- There are people who have become accustomed to doing nothing.
- Some are talking themselves out of it due to being afraid of not being fit enough to start.
- There are people thinking about leaving it until ‘after the summer’.
Every one of those above are just a form of excuse and we all need to have a wake-up call.
If the last year has taught us anything, it is that we all need to be looking after our health long term and not just for January and 2 weeks before we hard on holidays.
Looking after your health and fitness should not be something you ‘have to do’, it should just be something you do.

Life does not have any participation awards I’m afraid and if you want to see changes in your health, fitness, weight, or body shape, you are going to have to work for it.
Turning up for a few weeks every few months just will not cut it.
You get results by doing this;
- Putting the work in, even when you do not want to.
- Trying to do some sort of activity each day, no matter how small.
- Doing 2-3 workouts per week that have some intensity in them.
- Being consistently better with your food most of the time than you are with your weekends, snacking and drinking habits.

If you over-analysed the above, you may think that you are being asked to do mountains of work all the time. But you are not.
Being active means not sitting about all day.
Exercise means breaking a sweat 2-3 times per week in a way you enjoy.
Eating better means choosing whole foods over processed foods and take-aways.
Then when you get used to that you start to look for small signs of progress.
Try lifting a heavier weight.
Try doing more repetitions of an exercise.
Try going for a longer time in your run or a longer distance.
Try going the same distance in a shorter time.
Try eating better and limit the amount of off plan meals and snack that creep in, even if it is only one a week you are eliminating.
Try doing something to better yourself each day.
The main thing is to just try.
I can guarantee that if you do you will reap the rewards and results from starting now and making the choice to better yourself and your health.
All you have to do is start.
It is time to knuckle down and stop coasting.
Start putting in the work and being consistent and your goals will be within reach in no time.
No more excuses, Let’s get to work!
Our gym reopens on June 7th and we are taking on new members now.
If you would like to get back in shape and join a supportive fitness community, Rushe fitness can help you to reach your goals.
Click the link below to find out about our membership options and get signed up for June 7th Now!