A brave 10-year old from Donegal Town, Kayla McGinty, will be selflessly donating her hair to the Rapunzel foundation as she gets her hair cut on Monday, November 1st.
Kayla, who is in 4th class at Scoil an Leinbh Iosa, Killymard, lost her Grandad to Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in 2018 and has been growing her hair ever since so she can donate it to the Rapunzel foundation ponytail campaign.
Kayla witnessed the tough fight that her Grandad went through for the last year of his life and wanted to do something to help someone else going through the same fight.

The Rapunzel Foundation is a charity organisation that works to improve the lives of those living with hair loss (alopecia) through fund raising as well as through hair raising.
Hair is raised through the Rapunzel Foundation’s Ponytail campaign, where people commit to growing their hair 14 inches or longer with the view to their hair being sent to help make much needed wigs to improve the lives of those living with the hair loss.

Kayla is getting her hair cut on the 1st November 2021 and her hair will then be used to make a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to cancer.
Kayla, who has already surpassed her fundraising target of €200, is now over the €500 mark and would appreciate any donations to the cause on her GoFundMe page.