A countywide food appeal is taking place on Saturday 27th November to support local families this Christmas.
Donations of food, vouchers, cash or gifts would be gratefully accepted.
The Donegal Food Response Network is coordinating the campaign. The network is made up of a number of community organisations throughout Donegal who are opening their doors to accept donations of food, vouchers, cash or gifts that will be distributed to those in need in their local community.
Please donate to this worthy cause and make sure no family in your community goes hungry this Christmas.
See the poster below to view collection points near you:

Donations will be gratefully accepted on Saturday 27th November.
Donations received in each area will be distributed to those in need in that community.
All donations will be gratefully appreciated, please support and make sure no family in your community goes hungry this Christmas.
For further details on the Donegal Food Response Network email Margaret Larkin – mlarkin@dldc.org