Social media is beginning to buzz as the annual #LoveDonegal campaign gets underway.
This year’s campaign centres on celebrating the art and creativity of Donegal and organisers of the event, Donegal County Council, want everyone to get involved and showcase their love for Donegal creatively. Whether it’s painting, drawing, sculpting or singing, music, dancing, or any other form of art. Your submissions are requested!
Click here for an exciting #LoveDonegal Giveaway!

#LoveDonegal day is being held this Thursday 8th September just two weeks in advance of Donegal Connect, a 3 day festival taking place from 23rd to 25th September celebrating Donegal’s connections right across the world.
Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council, Cllr. Liam Blaney is asking Donegal people everywhere to participate in this campaign, saying ‘’I would call on the people of Donegal both at home and abroad to show their appreciation for our beautiful county on September 8th and share with the world what Donegal means to them”.
Taking part online is simple. All you have to do is use the #LoveDonegal or #DúnnanGallAbú in your social media posts (across twitter and Instagram) on Thursday the 8th of September. You can also tag the us on Instagram (@Donegal_IrelandsDNA) and Twitter (Donegal_ie).
Ideas on what to post:
- Visiting, travelling and exploring Donegal.
- The people of Donegal.
- The landscape, coastline, islands, landmarks and scenery of Donegal.
- Music, Arts, Sport, Marine, Culture, Food.
- Local Businesses based in Donegal, working remotely and the Working Holiday Campaign.
- The Gaeltacht region and the Irish language.