Pink Corner

myrtle doherty

Myrtle calls on Donegal to help special children in Belarus 7 years ago

Myrtle calls on Donegal to help special children in Belarus

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The eighth year of Myrtle Doherty’s Belarus appeal has just begun, with more big plans to deliver generosity and love from Donegal to Vesnova.

Between now and January 31st, Ms Doherty and …
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Nappies needed for local appeal in aid of children in Belarus 8 years ago

Nappies needed for local appeal in aid of children in Belarus

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The Vesnova children’s orphanage in Belarus cares for almost 200 children with intellectual and physical disabilities. Every year, Ms Doherty collects nappies, children’s clothes, toiletries and vital medications to improve the …
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How Myrtle helps Donegal bring hope to Belarus 8 years ago

How Myrtle helps Donegal bring hope to Belarus

By  •  Life

Myrtle Doherty has been collecting items to send to Belarus for the past seven years, with each appeal bringing more and more goods to disabled children.

The Vesnova children’s orphanage …
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