Pink Corner


Bus Éireann will cancel school runs if weather warning escalates 7 years ago

Bus Éireann will cancel school runs if weather warning escalates

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The bus provider has contacted parents saying that if Met Eireann increases its weather warning to Code Red their buses will not operate.

The system was first introduced last year …
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First storm of 2018 will be named Aileen: next year’s storm names revealed 7 years ago

First storm of 2018 will be named Aileen: next year’s storm names revealed

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The first storm of the year will be female, and will be named Aileen.

The gender of the first storm alternates each year, with Angus being the first storm of …
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Where is Teresa Mannion when we need her most? 8 years ago

Where is Teresa Mannion when we need her most?

By  •  News

Storm Barbara is battering the country. There are trees falling on roads and the coasts are treacherous places to be.

Met Eireann have issued two weather warnings as gusts of 120km/h …
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